Entries in Drew Milne (12)
Peter Gizzi Reading

Saturday 18th June, 7.30pm
You are invited to a night of short poetry readings, wine and celebration to mark the end of Peter Gizzi's residence as Judith E Wilson Fellow in Poetry.
- Ryan Dobran
- Ian Heames
- Simon Jarvis
- Justin Katko
- Laura Kilbride
- Rod Mengham
- Drew Milne
- Redell Olsen
- Neil Pattison
- Ian Patterson
- Peter Riley
- Luke Roberts
Judith E Wilson Drama Studio, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge, 9 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DP
Wine and light refreshments. All welcome.
Contemporary Poetry and the University

halfcircle two

Now out, featuring original poetry from:
- Alexander Booth
- Ryan Dobran
- Ian Heames
- John Z. Komurki
- Steve McCaffery
- Peter McDonald
- Samuel Meister
- Drew Milne
- Richard O'Brien
- Don Paterson
- Vidyan Ravinthiran
- Peter Riley
- Yolanda Tudor-Bloch
- Rebecca Voelcker
- Heathcote Williams
£3, from:
- Brighton Rainbow bookshop
- Cambridge Amnesty Bookshop, G. David Bookseller, Heffers
- Falmouth JAM bookshop
- Oxford Albion Beatnik Bookshop, Blackwells
- Paris Shakespeare & Company
- Sussex Sussex campus bookshop
You can also purchase halfcircle two via post by sending £3 and a stamped addressed envelope big enough to fit the slim, A5 journal to halfcircle poetry, 107 Windmill Road, Headington, Oxford OX3 7BT
For those in London we are still waiting to hear from England's Lane Books and the bookartbookshop. If you would be interested in having a bunch to distribute in London, or you would like to contribute to the next issue please get in touch.
CRS: Drew Milne & Nat Raha
Friday 28th January, 7.30pm
- Drew Milne
- Nat Raha
Judith E. Wilson Drama Studio, Faculty of English, Cambridge University, Cambridge
Admission is free, all welcome, wine served
Parataxis Editions
Chance would be a fine thing: John Cage's poetics
Thursday 30th September, 1.10pm
Drew Milne on John Cage. Part of a larger John Cage exhibition.
Kettle's Yard, Castle Street, Cambridge CB3 0AQ
Admission is free
Royal Holloway Poetics Research Group Reading
Tuesday 18th May, 7pm
- Peter Gizzi
- Drew Milne
Centre for Creative Collaboration, 16 Acton St, London WC1

Friday 7th (evening) - Sunday 9th May
Programme includes:
- Redell Olsen
- Ric Allsopp
- Caroline Bergvall
- Jean-Jacques Lecercle
- Lone Twin
- Aaron Williamson
- Nancy Reilly-McVittie
- Low Profile
- Emma Bennet
- Tony Lopez
- Drew Milne
- Allen Fisher
Multi-Channel Audio
- David Prior
Video Installation
- Nisha Dugall
Digital and Visual Text
- John Hall
- Jerome Fletcher
- John Cayley
- Ellen Bell
- Melanie Thompson
A Festival of Performance Writing and Cross-artform textual practice, with the opening of Caroline Bergvall and Ciaran Maher's 'Say Parsley' on the evening of the 7th May.
Arnolfini Gallery, 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4QA
Day Pass £8 / £7 (conc.)
Weekend pass £20 / £15 (unwaged) / £10 (students)
via Larry Lynch
Cambridge Literary Review Issue 2

Out now. Featuring:
- Andrea Brady
- Sara Crangle
- Ray Crump
- David Grundy
- Geoffrey Hartman
- Ian Heames
- Peter Hughes
- Laura Kilbride
- Angela Leighton
- Francesca Lisette
- Rod Mengham
- Drew Milne
- Marianne Morris
- Alexander Nemser
- Alice Notley
- Nick Potamitis
- Posie Rider
- Stephen Rodefer
Fiction and Prose:
- Lorqi Blinx
- Ray Crump
- Chris Hardy
- Helen Macdonald
- Rosie Šnajdr
- Keith Wells
- Gerald L. Bruns, 'Obscurum Per Obscurius'
- Marina Frasca-Spada, ‘David Hume, the Caliph Omar and the burning issue of metaphysics'
- Emma Gilby, 'Commentary and Impact: Longinus on the Sublime'
- Simon Jarvis, 'Spirit Medium: On Hegel’s Phenomenology'
- Justin Katko, 'On "Song of the Wanking Iraqi"'
- George Reynolds, 'Pound’s Letters: Towards a Poetics Including the 'EZpistolary'
- Keston Sutherland, 'Song of the Wanking Iraqi'
- Robert Archambeau
- Andrea Brady
- Daniel Elstein
£8 / £20/€30/$50 subscription (3 issues)
via Boris Jardine