halfcircle two

Now out, featuring original poetry from:
- Alexander Booth
- Ryan Dobran
- Ian Heames
- John Z. Komurki
- Steve McCaffery
- Peter McDonald
- Samuel Meister
- Drew Milne
- Richard O'Brien
- Don Paterson
- Vidyan Ravinthiran
- Peter Riley
- Yolanda Tudor-Bloch
- Rebecca Voelcker
- Heathcote Williams
£3, from:
- Brighton Rainbow bookshop
- Cambridge Amnesty Bookshop, G. David Bookseller, Heffers
- Falmouth JAM bookshop
- Oxford Albion Beatnik Bookshop, Blackwells
- Paris Shakespeare & Company
- Sussex Sussex campus bookshop
You can also purchase halfcircle two via post by sending £3 and a stamped addressed envelope big enough to fit the slim, A5 journal to halfcircle poetry, 107 Windmill Road, Headington, Oxford OX3 7BT
For those in London we are still waiting to hear from England's Lane Books and the bookartbookshop. If you would be interested in having a bunch to distribute in London, or you would like to contribute to the next issue please get in touch.