Out now. Featuring:
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- Ray Crump
- David Grundy
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- Ian Heames
- Peter Hughes
- Laura Kilbride
- Angela Leighton
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Fiction and Prose:
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- Ray Crump
- Chris Hardy
- Helen Macdonald
- Rosie Šnajdr
- Keith Wells
- Gerald L. Bruns, 'Obscurum Per Obscurius'
- Marina Frasca-Spada, ‘David Hume, the Caliph Omar and the burning issue of metaphysics'
- Emma Gilby, 'Commentary and Impact: Longinus on the Sublime'
- Simon Jarvis, 'Spirit Medium: On Hegel’s Phenomenology'
- Justin Katko, 'On "Song of the Wanking Iraqi"'
- George Reynolds, 'Pound’s Letters: Towards a Poetics Including the 'EZpistolary'
- Keston Sutherland, 'Song of the Wanking Iraqi'
- Robert Archambeau
- Andrea Brady
- Daniel Elstein
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