File Moving

Unfortunately our service provider has decided to enforce the 20 MB file size limit policy that up to now has not troubled us. This means that the web addresses for some files on Openned will now change. So if you are linking directly to any of the below files for any reason, please use the new links below. If you've linked to the page the file is featured on rather than the file itself, your links will still work (we recommend linking to pages rather than files because these will never change, unless there's a nuclear war or something). Old links will keep working until the beginning of May.
Apologies for any hassle this may cause.
New links
- Klatch - Issue 1
- Klatch - Issue 2
- Openned Anthology Parts 1 - 4
- Openned Anthology Part 1
- Openned Anthology Part 2
- Openned Anthology Part 3
- Openned Interview
- Openned Podcast 1 - Harry Godwin
- Openned Podcast 2 - Francesca Lisette Timothy Thornton
- Openned Podcast 3
- Openned Zine #2
- Openned Zine #2 (Grey)
- Openned Zine #3 (Grey)
- Openned Zine #4
- Openned Zine #4 (Grey)
- Ron Silliman at Birkbeck
- Steve Willey - Opera
- Steve Willey - Portmanteaux