Openned Zine #4

Now available to view in Online > ePubs, featuring:
- Mackenzie Carignan & Marthe Reed on The Dusie Kollektiv
- Tony Trehy exploring the possibilities for Text Festival 2011
- Will Montgomery describing POLYply
- Posie Rider's guide to poetry in Edinburgh
- Arabella Currie & Thomas Graham explaining halfcircle
- Sara Wintz outlining poetry in New York
- Tom Jenks telling us what zimZalla is
- Steven Fowler describing the Maintenant series and outlining The Workshop, a new new project on Writers Forum in conjunction with Openned
- Edmund Hardy reading four lines of poetry
- Simon Howard describing Department
- Part 2 of Lara Buckerton's essay on The eBook Nova
Plus regular features:
- Bird Puke
- Bookface
- Logbay
- @sinclairinruins* (new)
- Photography: in this issue, Georgie M'Glug, Nat Raha and Sharon Borthwick
Available in full-colour PDF or an easy-to-print black and white version.
*contributed anonymously - thank you to the contributor