Entries in Chris Goode (10)
Polyvocalia at Birkbeck
Monday 20th June
- cris cheek
Room 124, 43 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0
- cris cheek
- Chris Goode
- Holly Pester
- Lawrence Upton
32 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9
Admission is free, all welcome.
The Situation Room

Saturday 27th November, 7.30pm
- Jennifer Cooke
- Chris Goode
- Jeremy Hardingham
- Jonny Liron
- Andrew Oliveira
- Nat Raha
Plus collaborative performance from Chris Goode, Jeremy Hardingham, Jonny Liron and Andrew Oliveira.
7 Fountayne Rd, Tottenham, Greater London N15 4
Admission is free

Addition to the line-up:
- Steve Willey

Wednesday 14th - Sunday 18th May
- John Hall
- Geoffrey Squires
- Maurice Scully
- Randolph Healy
- Derek Beaulieu
- Chris Goode
- Abigail Child
- Rachel Blau DuPlessis
- Jean Day
- Eleni Sikelanos
- Ian Davidson
- Swantje Lichtenstein
- Sam Forsythe
- John Goodby
- Trevor Joyce
- Fergal Gaynor
- Medbh McGuckian
- Michael O'Loughlin
- Carla Bertola
- Alberto Vittachio
- Mairead Byrne
- Nat Raha
- Sara Crangle
The SoundEye festival is held in Cork, Ireland. Details of venues, admission fees and accommodation can be found in due course on the SoundEye website.
First Annual Sussex Poetry Festival

Following on from a previous post where it was called the First Annual Brighton Poetry Festival, here is the line-up for the First Annual Sussex Poetry Festival.
Please note, all events are sold out except for Friday afternoon, where all are welcome.
Friday 16th April (afternoon)
- 1pm Tim Atkins, Luke Roberts, and Carol Watts
- 2:30pm Sussex Student Medley (to include Francesca Lisette, Josh Stanley, Gareth Farmer, and others)
- 4pm Andrea Brady and Alan Halsey
Meeting House, University of Sussex
Admission £8 / £6 (conc.)
Friday 16th April (evening)
- 8pm Jeff Hilson, Vahni Capildeo, Harry Gilonis
- 9.30pm Chris Goode, Jonny Liron
Followed by Barkingside Band
Nightingale Theatre, Brighton
Saturday 17th April (afternoon)
- 1pm Michael Kindellan, Justin Katko, Marianne Morris
- 3pm Tom Jones, Trevor Joyce, Sophie Robinson
Nightingale Theatre, Brighton
Saturday 17th April (evening)
- 7pm Sean Bonney, Alan Hay, Geraldine Monk
Performance from Jeremy Hardingham
Followed by a reading and music from Stuart Calton and fellow music maker
Nightingale Theatre, Brighton

Late notice:
Thursday 1st April
- 4 – 5pm Michael Kindellan & Fergal Gaynor
- 5.30 – 6:30pm Chris Goode & Jonny Liron
- 8 – 9pm Fluxus with Vicky Langan & Paul Hegarty
Plus a cast of tens for Christian Wolff's BURDOCKS.
Admission is free, all are welcome.
Connolly A, Western Road, University College Cork, Ireland (Map)
Chlorine Reading
Wednesday 24th March, 8pm
- Chris Goode
- Justin Katko
- Marianne Morris
The Hope, Queens Road, Brighton BN1 3W
Admission £5 / £3 (conc.)
First Annual Brighton Poetry Festival

Friday 16th - Saturday 17th April
- Tim Atkins
- Sean Bonney
- Andrea Brady
- Stuart Calton
- Vahni Capildeo
- Chris Goode
- Alan Halsey
- Jeremy Hardingham
- Alan Hay
- Jeff Hilson
- Tom Jones
- Trevor Joyce
- Justin Katko
- Michael Kindellan
- Geraldine Monk
- Marianne Morris
- Tom Raworth
- Sophie Robinson
- Jonty Tiplady
- Carol Watts
Information about costs, times, venues, and line-up will be sent out shortly. In the meantime, festival contacts include Keston Sutherland, Daniel Kane, and/or Sara Crangle.
Lawrence Upton at 60

Short notice:
Saturday 14th November, 7pm
- Tina Bass
- John Levack Drever
- Chris Goode
- Mike McInerney
- Lawrence Upton
Great Hall, Goldsmiths, Lewisham Way, New Cross SE14 6NW
Admission free.
Chris Goode is in the midst of a number of performances of his work taking place throughout November. Go to LEAN UPSTREAM for more information including dates, venues and guests.