Openned Anthology

edited by Stephen Willey, Alex Davies
Published: Jul 07
Publisher: Openned Press
Format: PDF
Price: £free
View free: Home Page (PDF, 1.9MB)
Six months in the making, the Openned anthology is an electronic publication of poets that have read at the first nine Openned nights.
The anthology is completely free, available in PDF format in parts or as a full document. It is best to download the anthology in parts as it is a big file and it takes a long time to download. Save the file to your hard drive once you have downloaded it so you don't have to download it again every time you want to look at it.
Poets featured in this publication:
- Aaron Wells
- Albert Pellicer
- Alex Davies
- Alex MacDonald
- Allen Fisher
- Andrea Brady
- Annabel Emson
- Ceri Buck
- Drew Milne
- Elizabeth-Jane Burnett
- Emily Critchley
- Fiona Templeton
- Francis Crot
- Graeme Estry
- Hannah Silva
- Ian Hunt
- James Byrne
- James Harvey
- Jeff Hilson
- John Cayley
- John Sparrow
- John Stiles
- Kai Fierle-Hedrick
- Keston Sutherland
- Lydia White
- Marianne Morris
- Michael Weller
- Nick Potamitis
- Piers Hugill
- Redell Olsen
- Robert Hampson
- Rosheen Brennan
- Rotten Elements
- Sean Bonney
- Sophie Robinson
- Stephen Willey
- Tim Atkins
- Ulli Freer
- Writing Machine / DJ Ed Rusch
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