Crossing the Line
Wednesday 2nd June, 7.30pm
- Stephen Vincent
- Mark Weiss
The Leather Exchange, 15 Leathermarket Street, London Bridge, London SE1 3HN
Admission £5 / £3 (conc.)
Wednesday 2nd June, 7.30pm
The Leather Exchange, 15 Leathermarket Street, London Bridge, London SE1 3HN
Admission £5 / £3 (conc.)
A new issue of Ekleksographia online magazine, ‘William Blake and the Naked Teaparty,’ guest edited by Philip Davenport.
This issue features textworks that emphasise the touch - handwrit and haptic – particularly pieces that consider emotional engagements, human space - that weird trace and corporate/military erasure of the handmade, the human touch, the not-digital. These qualities link into the alternative tradition of poetics - and to 'outsider' artists who are owed a debt by the experimenters (an IOU all the way back to Will Blake, he and the Mrs sitting on the lawn in London afternoons, naked, drinking tea).
The issue goes online 15th March 2010 and will be launched with a 24 ‘live’ online writing event by Sarah Saunders.
The Series Editor is Jesse Glass.