
Entries in Craig Dworkin (3)


COPYS by Craig Dworkin

$8, No press, June 2011 (50 copies, 34 loose cards)

To order, contact derek beaulieu.

Originally published in the UK by Matchbox in May 2007, No press is proud to return this rarely-seen edition to print.

Published in a limited edition of 50 copies (25 of which are for sale) each copy consists of 34 loose cards in a hand-typed envelope.

via The Other Room


Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing

Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing

£38.48 / $42.75, Northwestern University Press, 2011 (608 pages)

ISBN 978-0810127111

In much the same way that photography forced painting to move in new directions, the advent of the World Wide Web, with its proliferation of easily transferable and manipulated text, forces us to think about writing, creativity, and the materiality of language in new ways. In Against Expression, editors Craig Dworkin and Kenneth Goldsmith present the most innovative works responding to the challenges posed by these developments. Charles Bernstein has described conceptual poetry as "poetry pregnant with thought." Against Expression, the premier anthology of conceptual writing, presents work that is by turns thoughtful, funny, provocative, and disturbing. Dworkin and Goldsmith, two of the leading spokespersons and practitioners of conceptual writing, chart the trajectory of the conceptual aesthetic from early precursors including Samuel Beckett and Marcel Duchamp to the most prominent of today's writers. Nearly all of the major avant-garde groups of the past century are represented here, including Dada, OuLiPo, L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, and Flarf to name just a few, but all the writers are united in their imaginative appropriation of found and generated texts and their exploration of nonexpressive language. Against Expression is a timely collection and an invaluable resource for readers and writers alike.

The Other Room Anthology II

£5 + £0.75 P&P (via PayPal), The Other Room, 2010

View free sample.


  • Tim Atkins
  • Sean Bonney
  • Matt Dalby
  • Tina Darragh
  • Philip Davenport
  • Alex Davies
  • James Davies
  • Craig Dworkin
  • Allen Fisher
  • Michael Haslam
  • Rob Holloway
  • P.Inman
  • Frances Kruk
  • Holly Pester
  • Sophie Robinson
  • Nick Thurston
  • Tony Trehy
  • Steven Waling

via The Other Room