
Thursday 22nd - Sunday 25th April
a convocation of unorthodox poetic and cultural practices
featuring an array of cutting edge diversity in respect of poetry and performances of poetry; papers, live writing, poets theater, sound art, talk-based poetics, extended vocal performance, physical theater and digital text collaboration, polylingualism, lyric meditations, translation, poetry readings, writing interventions, sound poetry, visual poetry, eco-poetics, text-based installation, bookateria, late night readings, multimedia and a lot more besides that.
- Maria Auxiliadora Alvarez
- Stan Apps
- Oana Avasilichioaei
- Mike Basinski
- Holly Bass
- John M. Bennett
- Black Took Collective
- Sean Bonney
- Tammy Brown
- Mairéad Byrne
- Shá Cage
- cris cheek
- Daniel Citro
- A.M.J. Crawford
- Jordan Dalton
- Maria Damon
- Ian Davidson
- Ryan Downey
- Alan Golding
- K. Lorraine Graham
- Duriel Harris
- Carla Harryman
- Jeff Hilson
- Jen Hofer
- Josef Horacek
- William R. Howe
- Jade Hudson
- Christine Hume
- Peter Jaeger
- Mark Jeffery
- Bonnie Jones
- Pierre Joris
- KBD Sound Collective
- Adeena Karasick
- Brian Kincaid
- A. J. Patrick Liszkiewicz
- Jose Luna
- Dawn Lundy-Martin
- Mel Nichols
- Hoa Nguyen
- Chris Mann
- Monica Mody
- K. Silem Mohammad
- Laura Moriarty
- Judd Morrissey
- Erin Mouré
- Jason Nelson
- Mel Nichols
- Tom Orange
- Jessica Ponto
- Luke Roberts
- Jaime Robles
- Ric Royer
- Linda Russo
- Lisa Samuels
- Standard Schaefer
- Jonathan Skinner
- Danny Snelson
- Todd Seabrook
- Jessica Smith
- Rod Smith
- Kate Sopko
- Rodrigo Toscano
- Lawrence Upton
- Chris Vitiello
- Catherine Wagner
- Mark Wallace
- Dana Ward
- Barrett Watten
- Brian Whitener
- Steve Willey
- Tyrone Williams
- Ronaldo Wilson
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
For further information on registration and accommodation point your browser here.
the post _ moot collective are Maria Auxiliadora Alvarez, Tammy Brown, cris cheek, WIlliam R. Howe, Cathy Wagner