
Entries in Bill Griffiths (4)



The fourth issue of MIMEO MIMEO is now available.


  • Language: Enemy, Pursuit by Asa Benveniste, poet and publisher of London’s legendary Trigram Press
  • Interview with Tom Raworth about Trigram, Zephyrus Image and Goliard (conducted by Matt Chambers and Kyle Schlesinger)
  • UK Small Press Publishing Since 1960 by Ken Edwards
  • Interview with David Meltzer about British Poetry Revival (conducted by Alastair Johnston)
  • Abysses and Quick Vicissitudes: Some Notes on the Mimeo Editions of Bill Griffiths by Alan Halsey
  • Selection of letters from Eric Mottram to Jeff Nuttall
  • Before I Became Modern Art Interview with Trevor Winkfield (conducted by Miles Champion)
  • CAT-Scanning the Little Magazine by Richard Price

Cover by Trevor Winkfield.

via Kyle Schlesinger


The Verb

Ken Edwards and Sean Bonney will be talking about Bill Griffiths’ Collected Earlier Poems on BBC Radio 3's The Verb with Ian McMillan today, Friday 5th February, 9.15pm (GMT). It will also be available on BBC iPlayer to UK residents for one week thereafter.

via Ken Edwards


Bill Griffiths Collected Poems Launch

Wednesday 17th February, 7.30pm

Launch of Bill Griffiths, Collected Earlier Poems (1968-1980), edited by Alan Halsey & Ken Edwards. Featuring a reading of the complete Cycles by:

  • Sean Bonney
  • Ken Edwards
  • Allen Fisher
  • Alan Halsey
  • Geraldine Monk
  • Maggie O'Sullivan

Room 203, Clore Management Centre, Birkbeck College, Torrington Square, London

Admission fee TBC.


Bill Griffiths - Collected Earlier Poems (1966 - 1980)

£17.50 (pre-publication) / £18 (P&P) (post-publication), Reality Street Books, January 2010

ISBN 978 1874400 45 5

This is the first time this great, innovative poet’s work has been properly collected. The poetry included here was originally written and published in the 1960s and 70s, and immediately predates the work included in The Mud Fort. It includes the complete “Cycles”, War W/ Windsor”, “A History of the Solar System” and other sequences, as well as a multitude of other poems and and sets of poems, previously published in fugitive editions or not at all, presented in roughly chronological order. The volume is rounded off with Alan Halsey’s meticulous endnotes, detailing the original publishing history and variant texts.

Available via the Bookshelf.