
Entries in Anselm Hollo (2)


halfcircle one

halfcircle one is now out, featuring poetry from:

  • Peter van Dolen
  • Louis Eastwood
  • Stephen Emmerson
  • Giles Goodland
  • Anselm Hollo
  • Boris Jardine
  • Nakul Krishna
  • Gerry Loose
  • Joe Luna
  • Tomas Weber

For a free copy, send an SAE to: halfcircle poetry, 107 Windmill road, Headington, Oxford OX3 7BT

For further information on where to buy halfcircle one for £2, or for any comments, submissions or donations please email:


Poetry is

In his ongoing video art work of “speaking portraits,” poet/artist George Quasha puts an impossible, but unavoidable, question before poets of all kinds and in many places: what is poetry? In response poets let us in on their private space of poetry definition. This intimate view of speaking faces, each filling the screen, shows how different it is for poets/artists to say what poetry or art is than for others (critics, historians, philosophers, viewers). For a particular poet, poetry may not only be an object, a thing historically defined, but something close to the core of one's life, perhaps even a singular event. Here we gain unique access to its nature in the person speaking.

via Ron Silliman