The Openned Zine is setting out with one intention: to provide poets, publishers and organisers with a space to publicly present explanations, thoughts, ideas and opinions that may not necessarily be representative of a final response.
The intention is to draw attention to how poetry and the thoughts and activities based on and around it are an ongoing and necessarily ever-changing set of boundaries and equivalent freedoms, which provide a shifting map of communities of poets.
Now available to view in Online > ePubs, featuring:
- Alex Davies on eBooks and the Small Press
- Alec Newman & Richard Barrett on Knives, Forks & Spoons Press
- Boris Jardine on Cambridge Literary Review
- Tom Jenks, James Davies & Scott Thurston on The Other Room
- Marcus Slease on Istanbul
- Linus Slug on FREAKLUNG
- Mike Weller on Home'Baked books
- Steve Willey on Writers Forum
Available in full-colour PDF or an easy-to-print black and white version.