Openned Issues (2006 & 2007)

edited by Stephen Willey, Alex Davies
Published: Oct 08
Publisher: Openned Press
Format: PDF
Price: £free
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The Openned issue is a digital magazine series based on your work interacting with a concept, theme, object - anything we feel will inspire dialogue amongst poets. Every issue will last for three months in a state of flux, constantly added to and modified, accommodating work that falls under the brief, or work written in response to other poets.
Between 2006 and 2007, we created three of these issues for Openned.com. With revisions to the site and limitations of space and time, they were temporarily removed. Now the poetry has been collected and is sited in this publication.
Poets featured in this publication:
- Brooklyn Copeland
- Alex Davies
- James Davies
- Trini Decombe
- Nikki Dudley
- Amy Evans
- Kai Fierle-Hedrick
- Allen Fisher
- Hacked By Krishna
- James Harvey
- Morton Hurley
- Tom Jenks
- Ross Kern
- Jow Lindsay
- Marianne Morris
- Andrew Nightingale
- Chris Paul
- Spencer Selby
- Hannah Silva
- Anna Ticehurst
- Michael Weller
- James Wilkes
The Openned Issues is completely free, in PDF format.
Reader Comments (4)
[...] May 3, 2007 at 5:54 pm · Filed under Openned Archive ‘Coffee Break’ by Anna Ticehurst has been added to the Poetics of The Foundry issue. You can view it here. [...]
[...] 2007 at 6:30 pm · Filed under Openned Archive A new poem by James Harvey can be seen in the Poetics of The Foundry issue. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)‘Central’ by Kai [...]
[...] April 13, 2007 at 2:59 pm · Filed under Openned Archive Looksee on the issue page. [...]
[...] 20, 2007 at 7:53 pm · Filed under Openned Archive We have added two new poems to Distances, the Openned issue that accompanies the [...]