University of Dreams

Tuesday 3rd May, 6 - 8pm
6 - 6.30pm drinks reception and opportunity to browse the exhibition.
6.30 - 8pm Iain Sinclair and Marina Warner will give talks and be in conversation about dream oracles, creative processes and the Essex unconscious (chair, Matt Ffytche); Will Montgomery - composition made from field recordings of the campus at night during the dream-recording fortnight; readings by Jeremy Reed and Ralph Hawkins.
The University of Dreams is a creative project, born out of the Essex Futures programme, that called upon all members of the University of Essex, from each campus, and from every area of work, study and play, to share their dreams. More information on the project can be found at
We now invite you to attend the opening of an exhibition which offers a window onto the dream-life of the University. Excerpts from the submitted dreams will be displayed alongside photographs, CCTV footage and sound recordings of the Colchester Campus at night-time.
Lecture Theatre Building Foyer and LTB2, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Elmstead Rd, Colchester, Essex CO4 3SQ
Attendance is free but places are limited. Please e-mail to reserve your place.