
Entries in Gillian Wylde (1)


The Lost Swimming Pool

Sunday 6th June

Performances 1, 3 & 4.30pm

Installation 1 - 5pm

A Site-Specific Installation and Performance (for Esther Williams and the Lost Olympics; and for Jane Holloway and Elizabeth Jesser Reid). In part an homage to Esther Williams who would have represented the US as a swimmer in the 1940 Summer Games had they not been cancelled, and an examination of women’s physical education at the moments of the founding of Bedford and Royal Holloway Colleges. This site-specific installation and performances will involve translations of archive material into writerly, filmic and choreographic practices. Project conceived and directed by Redell Olsen, Royal Holloway, University of London in collaboration with Libby Worth, Royal Holloway, University of London; Gillian Wylde, Dartington College of Art; Ruth Livesey, Royal Holloway, University of London.

Jane Holloway Hall, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX

To book tickets please contact Caroline Mann with the time of which performance you would like to attend. Due to the size of the space there is a limit of 40 audience members for each performance. Those wanting to attend performances should meet at the Windsor Building.

Each performance with the walk down will last around 20 minutes. The walk down is over uneven ground and includes steps etc. The audience will need to stand in the hall or walk around but there is not seating. If anyone is infirm or cannot manage the walk then please contact Libby Worth for alternative arrangements.