
Entries in Douglas Oliver (1)


Douglas Oliver Conference

Saturday 5th December

Conference 10.50am - 5.30pm

Reading 6pm - 8pm

This conference examines the work and influence of Douglas Oliver including his earliest writings, Oppo Hectic, The Harmless Building and In the Cave of Suicession; unpublished letters to Peter Riley; his theories of prosody and of politics; his visual work in The Diagram Poems; and the final Arrondissements project on the psycho-historical landscapes of Paris. 

With an evening Poetry Reading by:

  • Kelvin Corcoran
  • Ralph Hawkins
  • Simon Jarvis
  • Alice Notley

Admission £10 (all-day ticket) / £6 (unwaged) / £4 (evening reading only)

For more information and a registration form, email the conference organisers.

LTB 10, Lecture Theatre Building (off Square 3), University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester C04 3SQ

Campus Map