
Entries in Colin Campbell Robinson (1)


Readings Journal 5

Now online. Featuring:

  • Gilbert Adair interviewed by Stephen Mooney
  • Adrian Clarke on W. Gilbert Adair's 'The American Epic Novel in the Late Twentieth Century'
  • Demosthenes Agrafiotis & Michail Palaiologou - Chinese Notebook
  • Chus Pato - Here's to the poem (translated by William Rowe)
  • Chus Pato - Commentary for Translated Acts (translated by William Rowe)
  • Elizabeth Jane Burnett - Cynthia Hogue's The Incognito Body as Ecopoethics
  • Edmund Hardy on Cy Twombly's 'Poems to the Sea'
  • Lawrence Upton - Non-determinist responses
  • Demonthenes Agrafiotis - Cabaret 1
  • Demonthenes Agrafiotis - Cabaret 2
  • Demonthenes Agrafiotis - Cabaret 3
  • Cris Paul on Chris McCabe's 'The Borrowed Notebook'
  • Harry Godwin - 4 Experiments in Deconstruction (response to Johan de Wit's Statements)
  • Colin Campbell Robinson - NOTES TOWARDS DISILLUSION

via Stephen Mooney