Amy King & Ana Bozicevic:
esque is an online journal. Our first issue features work by poets loosely grouped under the categories of oetry and ifesto.
oetry is the kitchen sink, ifesto is everything but.
oetry includes the texts of poets' native turf: poems, prose poems, verse-fragments, visual po-work. We are interested especially in the work considered too strange, too out-there or in-here, a/typical, (not-)you, overly bold or bald -- just too-something to submit elsewhere. That work "editors wouldn't understand," the esque oems.
ifesto is a field for poets to lucidly engage beyond their poetry. It may include: manifestos, rants, theoretical or personal essays, half-formed statements of poetics, travelogues, music or literary or art critiques, a recurring dream. Or poets might write a piece especially for us: define or fracture the -etics, -eerness, -ility, -onality, -ism they write from or despite of. Lovingly describe their perimeters, or dream off the map. We're not invested in our poets' credentials: we promise to always revel, never judge.
Too many poets to mention. Just visit the site (requires Flash).